General & Cosmetic Dentistry

01453 542109

Women with diabetes face increased chance of mouth cancer

Women have a 13 per cent higher chance of developing oral cancer if they suffer from diabetes, according to new research highlighted by the Dursley dentists at Castle Gate Dental Practice near Stroud. Overall, women face a 27 per cent increase of developing any form...

Average Brit spends almost £200 a year looking after their oral health

British adults are spending £196 a year looking after their smile by purchasing oral health care products, according to the results of a nationwide survey. An investigation by the Oral Health Foundation, looking at the spending power of more than 2,000 people from...

Dursley dentists shine a spotlight on snacking and decay

Tooth brushing won’t stop decay for children who snack all day, reiterate Richard Whitcombe and Emma Hewitt from Castle Gate Dental Practice following the publication of a new study on pre-school children. Researchers from the University of Edinburgh and the...

Tooth whitening – know the facts and stay safe – urges Dursley dentist

Tooth whitening is a safe and effective way to give your smile a boost – but only when carried out by a qualified dental professional, otherwise it’s illegal. The popularity of tooth whitening has made it an attractive venture for illegal providers, says principal...

Bad breath? Kiss goodbye to a second date says dental survey

Before seeking out your Valentine this year, make sure your oral health is up to a loveable standard, urge our Dursley dentists. Bad breath has topped the list of reasons putting people off asking for second dates, research has shown. A study by the Oral Health...

It’s time to fit your own oxygen mask first

In a mid-air emergency, we are always told to fit our own oxygen mask first, says Richard Whitcombe from Castle Gate Dental Practice in Dursley. This is to ensure we are able to help our loved ones in a calm, considerate and efficient manner – whilst being able...

Gum disease sufferers are 70% more likely to get dementia

The Dursley dentists at Castle Gate Dental Practice in Gloucestershire would like to highlight a new study that has found people with long term gum disease are 70% more likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease. The research, published in Alzheimer’s Research...

Never ignore gum disease – no matter how old you are

New patients who visit Castle Gate Dental Practice in Dursley troubled by sensitive teeth when told they have gum disease commonly respond with “Isn’t gum disease just a sign of old age?” Are you at risk of gum disease? Some 80% of the UK population are estimated to...