General & Cosmetic Dentistry

01453 542109

It’s time to fit your own oxygen mask first

In a mid-air emergency, we are always told to fit our own oxygen mask first, says Richard Whitcombe from Castle Gate Dental Practice in Dursley. This is to ensure we are able to help our loved ones in a calm, considerate and efficient manner – whilst being able...

Are you teaching your children the correct tooth brushing techniques? asks your Dursley dentist

Chances are you taught your children how to brush their teeth and your parents taught you. But our Dursley dentists ask: have you ever been shown how to bush your teeth by a professional? Could you be passing on bad habits to your children that they could pass onto...

Dursley dentist urges you to put your dental health first in 2017

Many changes can occur in your mouth in just a matter of months, which is why the dentists at Castle Gate Dental Practice in Dursley advise patients to visit them at least every 12 months, ideally every six. Regular visits to Castle Gate Dental near Stroud allow us to...

Modern dental methods make for stress-free visits, says Dursley dentist

Fear of the dentist has once again been in the media spotlight recently and the team at Castle Gate Dental Practice would like to remind our patients that modern dentistry methods make a patient’s visit to the dentist easy and almost completely pain free. In the UK as...